Join the Priority List so you don't miss out on how you can finally confidently waltz into the gym and build a body you're proud of without making your life revolve around your diet and hitting the gym.

But be warned…

Spaces sell out FAST! As in 150 spaces GONE in 24 minutes fast.

So fill in your details below and check out the welcome email for everything you need to know.

“Aren’t you going to show me some results so I know this program delivers on its promises?”

But of course my precious little pop tart 😍…

“Hmmmmmmmm I dunno Rachel, I’m gonna need to see more before I claim my spot on the priority list”

Fair enough, how about this…

8 weeks.

That's all we need to take you out of your rut & to have you grabbing your training and nutrition by the lady balls.

It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from,

If you’ve never set foot in a gym, never tracked a single calorie, never made a single attempt to change your body until now...

Or if you’re confident in the gym and can track calories like a pro…

But you’ve let things slip and you just need someone to touch your butt in the right direction…

Or if you’ve been ticking along with hitting the gym and eating “kinda” well most of the time…

But you feel something is missing as you're not seeing the changes you crave…

BLITZ YOUR BITZ is the perfect fit for you.

The reason?

BYB has been designed to bin off the idea that fitness needs to be serious ALL the time.

While still getting you serious, life-changing transformations. #

So go ahead and fill out the form below so you can find out more about how BYB works…