🟣 400,000 sandwiches 🥪

Victoria Love Sponge 🍰

There you are…

My decadent little Danish 🥮✨

Ya gurl was at The Ritz for afternoon tea at the weekend.

I was feeling fancy as fuck in my best "I definitely belong here" outfit.

And I was on my best behaviour.

I bit my tongue despite multiple cream related puns coming to mind when the waiter was serving us.

Now, here's a juicy little tidbit for ya:

Did you know The Ritz serves a whopping 400,000 sandwiches, scones, and pastries every single year?

That's enough to build a delicious, carb-loaded fortress around the entire hotel!

As I sat there, surrounded by more gold leaf than Fort Knox.

Nibbling on cucumber sandwiches so posh they probably had their own trust funds, I had a thought.

This moment would be a fucking nightmare for so many people.

Maybe it would be for you?

Not because of the fancy-pants atmosphere or the fear of using the wrong fork.

Pro tip: start from the outside and work your way in, or just stab wildly and hope for the best.

No, the real terror would come from the food itself.

The internal monologue might go something like this:

"OMG, look at all these cakes. I can't possibly eat them. I'll balloon up instantly!"

"Everyone's staring. They're probably thinking I shouldn't be eating this."

"What are the scales going to say tomorrow?"

Sound familiar?

Yeah, I thought so.

And you know what?

That's some grade-A bullshit right there.

Because here's the truth, my little sugar plum:

You deserve to enjoy every damn crumb of that afternoon tea.

You deserve to sit in that fancy-ass chair, pinky raised if you damn well please, and savour every bite without a single shred of guilt.

And most importantly?

You deserve to live your life fully, joyfully, and unapologetically.

That's what we're all about at Team Henley Fitness.

We're not just about helping you ditch clingy af body fat and get in sumptuous shape (although, spoiler alert: we're pretty fucking great at that too).

We're about rewiring your brain so you can:

- Enjoy that slice of cake without your inner critic screaming bloody murder

- Rock that outfit you've been saving for "when I lose weight"

- Live your best life NOW, not "someday when I'm perfect"

Because life's too short to waste it stressing about fucking scones.

Want to join a community of badass women who are learning to love themselves while getting stronger every day?

Our next Blitz Your Bitz program goes LIVE at 6pm on Tuesday 20th of August.

And trust me, it's more transformative than a makeover montage in a 90s rom-com.

How many spaces are available Rachel?”

I’m glad you asked…

Because I have no fucking clue at this point lol.

We give our past and current BYB members first dibs on spots.

And they usually fill up half the slots.

So whatever the final number ends up being…

Click here to join the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.

Remember: You're a fucking queen, and don't you forget it.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰

P.S. Next time you're faced with a plate of delicious treats, channel your inner Rachel and think, "Would I deny the Queen of England this scone? No? Then I'm sure as hell not denying myself!" 👑🥐