🟣 Only 65% of women hit the O? 💦

NSFW (or family Sunday roast)

Why hi there my Kinky little Koala.

Please be warned…

What follows is a little bit saucy.

So make sure you’re the only one who can see your screen right now.

I’ll give you a sec.






Harder doesn’t always mean better.

Did you know that according to one survey, only 65% of hetero women hit the magic O during sex? 

Same goes for fitness. 

Dieting harder so you remove every shred of joy and flavour from your life.

Training harder so you’re on the verge of heart failure after every session.

It sounds badass,

And it lines up with the general life advice of working harder to get something you want. 

But here’s the facts…

You can’t try twice as hard and have a baby in 4.5 months. 

And there are some things you can’t rush with fitness. 

Trying to lose weight as fast as you can means being super restrictive.

And you end up doing mental shit like not having a biscuit to dunk in your tea or swapping out actual pasta for courgetti (give me strength).

But allowing yourself the flexibility to eat tasty shit while dieting will make dieting easier.

Which means you’ll stick with it longer.

And, ironically, you’ll get results faster because you’ve not quit 47 times in the process.

Now, it’s Monday tomorrow.

And if you’re going to launch into a new health kick then listen close to what I’m about to tell you…

Making your diet and exercise a miserable grind will not get you results any faster.

It’s not about going as hard as you can every single day. 

It’s about being consistent, smart, and sustainable. 

That’s how you achieve the best results without burning out, rebounding, and ending up back where you started.

And if you want some help with this then we could have you set up and ready to go as an online coaching client this week.

Then we’ll be in touch with next steps.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰