šŸŸ£ 67 & Horny AF

but does it last long enough?

Hey there, my saucy little Cinnamon Roll.

We need to talk about Jane Juska.

Jane was a 67-year-old retired schoolteacher.



The kind of lady who ā€œshouldā€ have been joining book clubs and feeding pigeons in the park.

But Jane had other ideas.

This silver-haired vixen slapped an ad in the New York Review of Books that said:

"Before I turn 67, next March, I'd like to have lots of sex with a man I like. If you want to talk first, Trollope works for me".

Now, why the New York Review of Books and not the NY Times or the NY Post?

Because Jane wasn't after just any Tom, Dick, or Harry.

She wanted a man who could quote Shakespeare in the streets and... well, you know the rest.

She knew that reaching out to the right people makes all the difference.

Smart lady. 

And her ballsy move paid off.

She even ended up writing a bestselling book about her experiences and inspired women worldwide to chase their dreams.

So, what's this got to do with you and your fitness journey?

Everything, my darling.


You're sitting there thinking:

"I've got kids"

"I'm too busy"

"I'm too old"

"It's too late for me"

But these are all made up excuses you are free to believeā€¦

Or tell to fuck all the way off. 

Janeā€™s story is proof itā€™s NEVER too late to get what you want in life.

Never too late to feel strong.

Never too late to feel sexy.

Never too late to feel fan-fucking-tastic in your own skin.

So channel your inner Jane.

Look at your excuses and say, "Nah, fuck that".

Want to start your fitness journey but don't know how?

Want to feel strong and sexy but think it's too late?

Well, darling, Trollope might work for Jane, but Team Henley works for you.

Click here to apply for online coaching

And we'll help you write your own bestseller - "How I Got Fit, Fabulous, and Started Living My Best Life".

Remember, the only thing standing between you and your goals is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself about why you can't achieve them.

So what's it gonna be? Feeding pigeons or feeding your dreams?

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Big love,

Rachel šŸ„°