🟣 When 9 PTs aren't enough

this is the whole package 👀

Hello there you crunchy little cronut.

The seventh intake of Blitz Your Bitz kicked off yesterday.

So I wanted to share this absolute gem from one of our Blitz Your Bitz superstars:

"Hi Rachel and my fantastic PT Sophia,

I'm excited for the next BYB. Can't wait.

Just thought I'd ping you an email to say that BYB as a whole package is incredible.

I think the biggest difference from the 9 personal trainers I've seen in the last 7 years is the educational bits but for me specifically the body image talks.

I've absolutely hated my body for the last 7 years for not responding like it used to to exercise and dieting.

Totally the wrong way, just used to cut out certain foods and eat a shit load of salads with hardly any protein and be a hungry, angry bitch for a few months and then binge and then the whole cycle would begin again.

I would be soooo fixated on the numbers and not on how I feel.

Also the community on circle and support from others is great, also comments from the other PT's, it just feels like an amazing community that looks after each other”.

Holy guacamole, right? 🥑 

This is exactly why we do what we do at Team Henley.

Here's what I want you to take from this:

✅ Hating yourself into shape is about as effective as trying to put out a fire with petrol.

✅ Flexible approach = sustainable results.

✅ Education is our secret sauce. When you understand the 'why' behind what you're doing, you're unstoppable.

✅ Community support gives you the motivation, accountability, and inspiration to keep going when you don’t feel like it.

✅ You're not a “before”. You're not an “after”. You're a work in progress, and that progress is beautiful.

BYB is closed for the next 9/10 weeks.

But if you're ready to ditch the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster and get personalised guidance that celebrates your body for the badass machine it is…

We’d love to have you on board and living life as a Team Henley Fitness client.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰