🟣 My Abs-urd Journey 🧀🏋️‍♀️

this is the whole package 👀

Hey there, my elegant little empanada! 🌯

It's 2018.

Meghan and Harry are tying the knot.

Everyone's trying to do the floss dance.

"Thank U, Next" is blasting through our AirPods.

And I'm balls deep in chicken breast, broccoli, and dreams of a washboard stomach.

I wanted to get visible, eye popping, turtle shell level abs.


Well, we’ll come back to that shortly.

For now, let’s stay focused on my miserable fucking life.

We're talking military-grade meal prep.

Chicken breasts so dry they could double as shoe insoles.

Measuring everything that passed my lips with the precision of a NASA engineer.

Pretty sure I ran to the moon and back 17 times on the treadmill.

And don't even get me started on the ab workouts. Crunches, planks, Russian twists - if it promised to chisel my midsection, I was doing it.

But then, one fateful day, I looked in the mirror and there they were.


Actual, visible, you-could-grate-cheese-on-them abs.

Time to celebrate, right?


Here's what actually went down:

1. I scrutinized my body like a fucking detective examining a murder scene

2. My lifts went up about as often as it snows in the Sahara Desert.

3. I developed a cake phobia. A CAKE PHOBIA. Who even am I?

I even brought tupperware full of bland-ass chicken and veg to a pizza party.


That’s like the best kind of party.

Now, don't get me wrong.

Setting a goal and going all-in taught me a lot.

Like how much I fucking love cake and big deadlifts.

But I’ve paid the misery tax on getting visible abs so you don’t have to.

So here's the ab-solute truth:

That image in your head of visible abs popping through your skin?

It might feel motivational.

It might even get you to the gym in a sudden rush of inspiration and determination.

But these images are static.

They exist in a bubble.

Your life is always in motion.

You’re going for lunch with mates or headed round your parents for a Sunday roast.

And these are the times where the whole visible abs thing falls apart.

Looking and feeling your best isn't about denying yourself joy or being a minge bag at social events because you're "on plan".

It's about finding that sweet spot where you're strong, confident, and can still demolish delicious food without having an existential crisis.

So, before you embark on your own adventure for visible abs, ask yourself: "Why?"

Is it worth sacrificing your social life, your love of food, and potentially your sanity for some lines on your tummy that only show up in perfect lighting and when you're holding your breath?

I can tell you from experience it’s not.

But if you want to finally start losing weight, getting strong AF, and bossing your life like a bad ass bitch…

It’s just a quick application and a casual chat.

No pressure.

But if you’re reading this email there’s a great chance you’re going to be a great fit for Team Henley Fitness.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰