🟣 Butt Stuff & My Mum

our neighbours hate us

What's shakin', my cheeky little peach pie 🍑

Overheard in Henley Family HQ last week...

"Muuuuuuuum, can you take pictures of me in my butt stuff t-shirt?"

"Of course darling, let's do it in the garden where all the neighbours can see"

Followed by...

"Turn a bit to the left, dear. We want to highlight the 'butt' in 'butt stuff'."

The end result…

Now, some might call this weird.

I call it supportive as fuck.

My parents have always had my back.

They've supported every crazy dream, harebrained scheme, and now, my booty-building empire.

And let me tell you, I'm more grateful for them than a Kardashian is for contouring.

But here's the real tea about these tees:

Wearing "Doing Butt Stuff" across your chest isn't just a fashion statement. It's a fuck-you to giving a fuck.

It's like a double espresso shot for your attitude.

Slipping this baby on is like telling the world, "Yeah, I lift. Yeah, I squat. My ass could crack walnuts. What of it?"

It's a declaration that you're here to fuck shit up (in the best possible way).

Got a big meeting at work?

Wear it under your blazer and if Steve from HR gets sassy just rip your blazer off Hulk Hogan style to reveal your Butt Stuff attitude.

That’ll shut him up.

Fuckin’ Steve. 

First date?

Okay, maybe save it for the second date.

Or don't.

Live your life, you saucy minx.

Now, here's the deal: These tees are flying off the shelves.

So if you want to join the "Doing Butt Stuff" crew (and honestly, who doesn't?), you better move those glutes and click here NOW.

Don't let your booty gains go unnoticed.

Don't let your attitude go uncaffeinated.

Grab your tee, channel your inner badass, and let's show the world what we're made of.

(Spoiler alert: It's 100% Grade A Awesome)

Big love, 

Rachel 🥰

P.S. If these tees sell out before you snag one, I cannot be held responsible for any squats performed in protest. Click here now and avoid the FOMO!