🟣 The C Word


Bonjourno my dimply little dumpling! 🧁

Let's talk about cellulite, shall we?

Cellulite is as normal as breathing air and drinking wine on a Tuesday.

"But Rachel, I saw this amazing cream that promises to melt away cellulite faster than my ex disappeared after I mentioned commitment!"

Oh honey, the only thing that cream is melting is your bank balance.

Anyone telling you they've got a magic pill, potion, or dance to get rid of cellulite is talking out of their arse.

Cellulite isn't a flaw, it's a feature. And it's time we started treating it that way.

But this points to a bigger problem which you can see in these comments;

Now, there’s SO much love and inspiration in there.

But it’s also proof of how we've been conditioned to see our bodies as a never-ending home improvement project.

We've been weighed down by these bullshit standards for far too long.

Told we're too fat, too thin, too muscular, not muscular enough.

That our skin should be smoother than a baby's bum and our abs more defined than the dictionary.

Well, I call bullshit.

And you know what? It looks like the tide might be turning.

More women are saying "fuck off" to these impossible standards.

They're realising that their worth isn't measured by the smoothness of their thighs or 

the flatness of their stomach.

And it's about damn time.

But don’t think this means they’re not working on themselves.

Because by fuck they are.

Our clients at Henley Fitness are SMASHING it with huge wins every week.

But they’re doing it for themselves.

Not to meet some BS standard.

So here's your mission, should you choose to accept it:

Next time you look in the mirror and start picking apart your "flaws", stop.

Take a deep breath.

And say, "I'm a fucking queen, dimples and all."

Because you are.

You're strong, you're capable, and you're beautiful.

Not despite your cellulite, stretch marks, or wobbly bits.

But including them.

It's time to stop shrinking ourselves to fit into society's tiny little box.

Let's break the damn box instead.

Remember, a body that can run, jump, dance, and crush a workout is a body to be 


Not criticised.

So let's celebrate, shall we?

Big love (and even bigger self-love),

Rachel πŸ₯°

P.S. Want more empowering, no-bullshit advice on loving your body and crushing your goals? Join Team Henley Fitness and let's redefine 'beach body' together! Click here to start your journey.