🟣 A client made me cry

“lying fickle b*stards” 🤬

What is happening you horny little hot cross bun 🥮.

A client made me cry like a bulldog with hay fever at the weekend.

Here’s why…

“Here’s a story of a 46 year old woman who started on a new adventure 8 weeks ago.

She got comfortable with eating sensibly while also enjoying her food, miraculously increased her protein intake and even got a small grip on other macros. 

She consistently moved more and maybe even enjoyed the cardio (who knew she’d actually like the torture of reformer pilates).

She realised the scales were the real machine of torture lying fickle bastards that they are and to not let them rule her thinking.

She fitted in a smaller dress and pair of trousers - she even bought a pair of shorts!

Her confidence grew and she dabbled in weights more work needed but the fear of them dissipated - stay tuned for BYB 7.

She was delighted that she signed up with the hilarious and sweary woman on the internet who knows her shit and knows how to motivate.

So in conclusion, she’s feeling food, grateful and positive that it won’t all go to hell before BYB 7”.


I can’t add anything to that.

Truly blows me away when clients share their experience with us and makes me SO FUCKING PROUD of my team.

But speaking of BYB 7…

We’re opening the doors tomorrow.

And this is always bittersweet.

Because we’re going to be helping hundreds more people.

But thousands are going to be disappointed.

We keep the numbers low so we can give everyone the attention and energy they deserve.

As I’m writing this the waitlist is filled with 17,674 bloody legends.

And we could let in as many as possible, send them all the same diet plan, and check in with them when we remembered.

But that is NOT how we do things at Henley Fitness.

And it never will be.

So, if you want to be in with a chance of getting a spot on BYB 7: Click here to join the waitlist.

One final reminder: We sold out in 8 minutes last time round.

So I’d set your alarm for 5:55PM tomorrow so you’re ready to tap that link when the email goes out at 6pm. 

Big love,

Rachel 🥰