🟣 Fat burning bestie 🥰

it’s not just for gym bros 🍗👀

Listen up my charming little chicken nugget 🐔

Let's cut through the noise and get to the meaty truth about protein and fat loss.

You've probably heard that protein is important for building muscle.

But did you know it's also your fat-burning bestie?

Here’s why…

The Muscle Bodyguard Effect

When you're losing fat your body might start eyeing your hard-earned muscle as a snack.

But your protein intake says "Not today, Satan!" and helps preserve that precious muscle mass.

Why does this matter? Because muscle shapes your figure and burns calories even when you're binge-watching Netflix.

More muscle = higher metabolism = easier fat loss.

The Calorie Crematorium

Your body burns calories digesting all food.

The fancy term for this is “Thermic Effect of Food”.

And protein burns the most calories.

Now, don’t think this means eating 1,000g of protein will lead to faster weight loss.

This isn’t a magic shortcut.

But it does contribute to your overall fat loss.

The Hunger Games: Protein Edition

Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

A high-protein meal makes you feel satisfied and can reduce hunger.

Which means less urges to snack.

And an easier time sticking to your calories.

Goodbye, midnight snack cravings!

Which brings us to the ultimate protein packed question…

How much protein do you need? 🤔

Let's break it down:

Aim for 1.6g to 2.2g per kilogram of body weight daily.

For a 70kg person, that's about 112-154 grams of protein per day.

"But Rachel," I hear you cry, "that sounds like a lot!".

I hear you.

But it's actually much easier to up your protein game than ever before.

Here’s some ridiculously simple ways to get more protein in your day:

1. Protein Yoghurts: These magical pots of goodness can pack a whopping 15-25g of protein! It's like the Greek gods themselves blessed your snack time.

2. Protein Bars: The ultimate handbag hero. Stuck in traffic? Protein bar. 3 PM slump? Protein bar. Avoiding awkward small talk? Protein bar.

3. Protein Shakes: Buzz these bad boys up into a smoothie and suddenly you're drinking a milkshake that makes you stronger. What a time to be alive!

But the biggest thing to focus on is adding protein to every meal.

So if you have cereal for breakfast, chuck in a shake or a yoghurt to boost your protein.

If you’ve struggled to hit your protein in the past then I bet it’s because 2 or 3 of your meals have less than 15g of protein.

So you end up with 100g to hit from dinner onwards.

This is why hitting your protein goals feels harder than trying to lick your own elbow (don't try that, by the way).

So, here’s what you can do to start boosting your protein intake tomorrow:

1. Calculate your protein goal (use the 1.6-2.2g per kg formula).

2. Identify your three lowest-protein meals and brainstorm ways to boost them.

3. Prep a high-protein snack for tomorrow (Greek yoghurt, or a protein shake are easy options).

The central point here is that this isn't about overhauling your entire diet.

It's about making small, tasty tweaks that add up to big results.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰