Sweat Loss NOT Fat Loss?

Well hello there my functional little fudge doughnut.

Let’s talk about HYROX and fat loss.

Now, I will be honest and say you won’t catch me doing a functional fitness workout.

I enjoy staying in the same spot and lifting heavy things.

But one of our coaches, Ben, LOVES the Hybrid/Functional style of training.

So I hear a lot of HYROX hype from him.

But let's chat about why HYROX isn't the fat loss holy grail you might think it is.

Picture this: You're lying on the floor, drenched in sweat, questioning every life decision that led you to this moment. Surely, you must be melting fat faster than a chocolate bar in a sauna, right?


Let me take you on a little journey through the world of HYROX and fat loss. Buckle up, buttercup!

The HYROX Hype

And just incase you’ve got no fucking clue what HYROX is:

HYROX is a fitness competition that combines running with functional movements.

We're talking ski ergs, sled pushes, burpees - the whole nine yards of "why did I sign up for this?" fun.

It's intense.

It's challenging.

It's sweat-tastic.

But it's not necessarily the fat loss solution many people think it is.


First of all, sweat does not equal fat loss.

Just because you leave more moisture on the floor than the crowd at a LIVE Magic Mike show doesn’t mean you’re burning.

Then we have the so-called “after burn” effect.

High-intensity workouts don’t make your body burn fat faster or for longer.

And then there’s the intensity myth.

Look, you have to train hard to change your body.

There are many ways to do this.

But pummeling yourself into a wheezing puddle every single workout does not mean you’re burning more fat.

It just means you'll be walking funny for a week.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room.

You've probably seen those ripped folks doing HYROX with their shirts off, looking like they were carved out of marble by Michelangelo himself.

And while I can’t speak for these people.

I do want to give you some context as I know how influential these images can be:

Most of these people were already in great shape when they started.

And fair fucks to them all.

I just want you to know the context behind these images.

Now, I don’t want to come across as a HYROX Hater.

But when it comes to fat loss?

There are plenty of better options when it comes to training.

If you enjoy HYROX or other functional fitness workouts, by all means, crack on!

They're brilliant for improving your overall fitness and making you feel like a superhero.

But if your main goal is fat loss, there are smarter ways to go about your training.

Like how we program for our clients in our 1:1 Online Coaching.

If you want to know more about how this works and if it would be a good fit for you just head to the link below and follow the steps.

We’ll be in touch once we check out your application.

And as always, there’s no pressure or obligation to sign up.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰