🟣 Fat Loss News

the good, the bad and the ?

Hey there, my scrumptious little soufflé! 🥮

I’ve got bad news and good news about fat loss.

And like any sane person would do, I’m starting with the bad news.


Here it is…

Fat loss takes longer than you think/hope it does.

Sustainable fat loss takes time.

And no, doubling down on restriction and punishment won't speed things up.

That’s like sprinting during a marathon so it’s over faster.

When you just end up in a wheezing heap regretting your choices.

Now, I’m not suggesting you set aside a full year to lose a few pounds.

The legends on our BYB program are headed towards incredible fat loss results in the 8 weeks they’re with us.

But this doesn’t mean they’re done.

Some will do another round of BYB.

Some will become 1:1 clients.

Some will continue on their own with everything we’ve taught them.

Which brings us onto the good news.

You Can Enjoy the Journey (No, Really!)

The reason you want fat loss to be over fast is partly because you think it’s going to suck balls.

But it doesn’t have to be when you do it properly.

You wake up feeling refreshed, not dragging yourself out of bed like a zombie with a hangover.

Your jeans slide on easier than they did a few weeks ago, and you catch yourself smiling in the mirror.

Not because you've reached some magical number on the scale, but because you feel... good.

Really fucking good.

Like a little spicy snack 😈

You've got energy for days.

No more 3 PM slump where you're reaching for your seventeenth cup of coffee and contemplating a nap under your desk.

You're focused, productive, and wondering if someone slipped some magic potion into your water bottle.

When your mate suggests grabbing dinner, you don't break out in a cold sweat.

You order what you fancy, enjoy every bite, and leave feeling satisfied, not stuffed.

Because you're not just losing fat.

You're gaining a whole new lifestyle.

This isn't some far-off fantasy.

This is what fat loss can look like when you do it right.

When you focus on sustainable changes, not quick fixes.

When you work with your body, not against it.

So, ready to experience this for yourself?

If you're nodding so hard you might pull a muscle, then here’s what you need to know…

Our prices for 1:1 Online Coaching are increasing.

So if you want to lock in our services at the current price head to the link below and apply.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰