🟣 Feel like a tit in the gym?

here’s why that’s a good thing

Oi oi my precious little profiterole!

Right, 2025 has kicked off for real now.

Which means you might be venturing into the house of horrors otherwise known as…

The gym.


So, let me put that noggin’ of yours at ease.

You know that awkward feeling you get in the gym?

When you're convinced everyone's watching you fumble around like a penguin in a potato sack?

That's actually a good thing.

*record scratch*

Yeah, you read that right.

And no, I haven't been snorting pre-workout.

See, there's something magical that happens when you're willing to be a bit shit at something new.

I'll never forget my first time trying to do a barbell squat.

I looked like a baby giraffe trying to sit on a postage stamp.

And don't even get me started on trying to do a hip thrust in public.

Nothing quite like making aggressive eye contact with random gym-goers while doing overtly sexual movements while your face is like…

But here's the thing, you scrumptious little schnitzel...

Every single person who looks "like they know what they're doing" started exactly where you are.

The difference?

They were willing to embrace being a bit crap for a while.

They understood that temporary discomfort leads to permanent comfort.

Think about it:

First time driving a car? Shit your pants level terrifying.

First day at a new job? More awkward than matching with Dad on Hinge.

But now you drive without thinking about it.

And you're probably smashing it at work.

So here's what I want you to remember next time you're feeling like a right plonker in the gym:

Every expert was once a beginner.

Every confident lifter once felt terrified.

And every person who makes it look easy once made it look hard.

The only difference between them and you?

They kept showing up.

Even when it felt awkward.

Even when they weren't sure.

Even when their form wasn't perfect.

Because being a bit shit at something is the first step to being quite good at something.

And being quite good at something is the first step to being bloody brilliant at it.

If you're looking for a bit more support on your journey, my team and I do offer 1:1 coaching.

No pressure at all, but if you're interested, just go here and apply.

Big love,
Rachel 🥰