🟣 Gym Anxiety?

Let's crush it together! 💪

You're standing at the gym entrance, heart racing faster than you've ever run on a treadmill.

The conversation in your head goes something like this…

😱 "Everyone's going to stare at me."

😱 "I don't know how to use any of these machines."

😱 "What if I hurt myself?"

😱 "I'm too out of shape to be here."

😱 "I'll look stupid if I can't lift heavy weights."

Sound familiar?

If so, you're not alone.

Gym anxiety is real, and it's a tough cookie to crumble.

But here's the thing – you don't need to be thrown into the deep end to learn how to swim.

Or in this case, lift.

Because I call BS on the "sink or swim" mentality.

What you need is a gradual, controlled exposure with step-by-step guidance.

Think of it as dipping your toes in the shallow end before diving into the Olympic pool.

First, let's break down why gym anxiety happens:

1. Fear of Judgment: We're hardwired to care what others think. It's a survival instinct gone haywire in the modern world.

2. Imposter Syndrome: Feeling like you don't belong or aren't "fit enough" to be there.

3. Lack of Knowledge: Not knowing how to use equipment or perform exercises correctly.

4. Past Negative Experiences: Maybe you've had a bad gym experience before, or were mocked for physical activity in school.

5. Comparison Trap: Feeling inadequate when comparing yourself to others who seem fitter or more confident.

Now that we understand the enemy, let's create your battle plan to conquer gym anxiety.

Starting with that shitty internal dialogue of yours:

🗣️🧠 Reframe "I don't belong here" to "I'm taking steps to improve myself, just like everyone else here."

🗣️🧠 Instead of "I don't know what I'm doing”, think "I'm here to learn and get better every day."

🗣️🧠 Replace "People are judging me" with "People are probably too focused on their own workouts to notice me."

🗣️🧠 Turn "I'm too out of shape to be here" into "I'm exactly where I need to be to get in shape."

🗣️🧠 Swap "I'll look stupid if I can't lift heavy weights" for "I'm smart for starting where I am and focusing on proper form."

Is walking into that gym going to be scary? Abso-freaking-lutely.

Will you have moments where you want to turn around and run back to the safety of your sofa?

You bet your biceps you will.

But here's the thing – that fear?

That wobble in your knees as you approach the weights section?

That's where the magic happens.

Remember this:

You're stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and way more badass than that anxious voice in your head gives you credit for.

Will it be comfortable? Nope.

Will it be worth it? Hell yes!

You will ALWAYS feel better afterwards.


That post-gym glow isn't just sweat, my friend. It's pride. It's accomplishment. It's you, levelling up in real time.

So, are you ready to turn that gym anxiety into gym energy?

Are you ready to transform those worried wobbles into victorious fist pumps?

If you're nodding your head right now (and I know you are, you magnificent meatball), then it's time to take the next step.

Team Henley is here to guide you every step of the way.

From your first toe-dip into the fitness pool to your eventual cannon-ball splash of confidence!

Our online coaching isn't just about sets and reps.

It's about building you up, cheering you on, and helping you see the strong, capable, gym-conquering legend you truly are.

Ready to crush that gym anxiety and unleash your inner fitness superstar?

Big love,

Rachel 🥰

P.S. Still feeling jittery? That's okay! Apply anyway. Because facing your fears is a lot easier when you've got a kickass team in your corner. And Team Henley? We're the kickassiest of them all! 💪😎