🟣 The ironic secret to weight loss

don’t think about it

Hey there, my sassy little sriracha packet!

Let's talk about the most counterintuitive weight loss strategy ever:

Stop trying to lose weight.

I know, I know. It sounds like I've been hitting the protein shakes a little too hard.

But hear me out.

One of our amazing Team Henley clients just dropped this truth bomb:

"I have exactly a month until my birthday, and I feel like every year, for as long as I can remember, I get to this point and think 'fuck, I should really try and lose some weight over the next month before my birthday'.

I had that very same feeling this morning and then immediately challenged myself on it and wondered why I have always thought that to have a good day, to be worthy of a bit of a celebration, I have to be as small as I can manage to be. That is complete bullshit, and I know all I need to have a great birthday is to be with the people I love"

Can I get a hallelujah?

This, my friends, is the mindset that actually leads to sustainable weight loss.

It's like trying to find your soulmate.

The more desperately you swipe on Tinder, the more you end up with duds who give you every ick under the sun.

But the second you say "fuck it" and focus on loving yourself?


Mr. or Mrs. Right practically falls into your lap.

(Hopefully not literally. That would be awkward.)

Weight loss works the same way:

Obsess over every calorie? Hello, stress eating.

Punish yourself with gruelling workouts? Your body will fight back.

Tie your worth to the number on the scale? Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster.

But when you shift your focus to feeling strong, capable, and worthy just as you are?

That's when the magic happens.

You start:

Moving because it feels good, not because you "have to"

Eating nourishing foods because you deserve to feel awesome

Rocking that swimsuit because you damn well should

And guess what?

That's when your body starts changing. Almost like it was your plan all along.

(Sneaky, right?)

So here's my challenge to you:

For the next week, I want you to treat yourself like you're already at your goal weight.

Wear clothes that make you feel fabulous

Move your body in ways that bring you joy

Eat foods that make you feel energized and satisfied

And most importantly?

Stop waiting to celebrate yourself.

You're worthy of celebration right now, at this very moment.

Want some help with this while getting the results you’re currently hyper focused on but not getting?

I’ll be in touch with more details as we get closer to opening the doors.

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Rachel 🥰