🟣 Kick him off his bike!

Torn ACL’s & Taylor Swift

What's cookin', my frisky little jalapeño popper!

Let's talk about that time my ACL exploded into a billion tiny pieces.

This led to two surgeries and 3 years of rehab.

Which sucked.

But you know what would have sucked more?

If I let this stop me from training.

I couldn’t do much for my lower body.

But I could smash my upper body 4 times a week.

Which is exactly what I did.

And it shows how important it is to ADAPT to obstacles rather than letting them stop you.

Think about it this way:

If you were going to see Taylor Swift and your train got cancelled, would you just go home? 


You'd get a taxi, hop on a bus, or kick a Deliveroo employee off his bike and pedal like Lance fucking Armstrong to get there.

(Sorry, Deliveroo dude. Swifties are ruthless.)

That's the kind of energy you need for your fitness journey.

Life's gonna throw curveballs at you:

- Your gym might close down

- Your favourite class might get cancelled

- You might pull a muscle doing the Macarena (don't ask)

But does that mean you give up? 

Fuck no!

You adapt. You pivot. You find another way.

Because as toe curlingly cringe and cliche as this sounds…

Your health and fitness aren't a destination - they're a journey.

And sometimes that journey involves doing squats in your living room while your kids use you as a jungle gym.

Or doing bicep curls with wine bottles because you can't make it to the gym.

(Pro tip: Empty the bottles first. Or don't. I'm not here to judge your multitasking skills.)

The point is, you keep moving forward, no matter what.

And if you need help figuring out how to adapt your fitness journey to life's chaos, that's where Team Henley comes in.

(Don't worry, it'll have a happier ending than most of Taylor's songs.)

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Rachel 🥰