When Life Takes Over

Does this sound familiar…

You’re hitting the gym and classes every week. 

You’re feeling good.

Still got some changes to make? 

Yeah, but if push comes to shove you’d say you’re happy with how you look and feel. 

You definitely know things could be A LOT worse. 

But wait…

What’s that a yonder?


Let’s get a closer look by climbing up this tree…



Good job you never leave the house without your pocket sized telescope…



Jaysus mary and the wee donkey!

Life is here and it’s about to take over. 

If you’ve experienced life taking over and laughing at any attempt you make to get back on track…

I feel you, my precious little plum.

You mark Monday as the day you get your shit together.

And life is like…

“HAH! Here’s the most stressful week of your life that forces you to go full Shark Hoover deep pile carpet mode on all the calories at the weekend!”

It feels like your own bloody life is working against you!

Whether it’s kids, work, studying or general adulting…

There’s always something getting in the way of you and your weight loss goals. 

But here’s something you should know…

And like any other tips I give you, this is tried and tested in the real world with real people who are dealing with real problems.

Life only takes over when you don’t adapt.

And that’s not putting the blame on you.

Here’s what I mean…

You have a routine with your health and fitness that fits your lifestyle.

Then your lifestyle changes for the reasons we already mentioned.

So your health and fitness routine gets sacked off for a bit.

But then you try to do the exact same routine again despite the fact your lifestyle changed.

See the disconnect here?

Your routine has to adapt to your new lifestyle.

Now, I can’t tell you how to do this over email.

But here’s what I can tell you…

Step number one is believing you can adapt your routine and get results.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need all the time in the world to lose weight and look like a sexy little snack.

Because you can get this done regardless of how little time you think you have. 

We can show you how to do this during Blitz Your Bitz.

You can find out more info and get your name down on the priority list here. 

You can count this as following the advice I gave earlier about life only taking over when you don’t adapt.

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰