🟣 Lost on your weight loss journey?

This might be why... 🚗🗺️

What's cookin', my frisky little frittata?

Picture this: You're in your car, following your sat nav to a place you've never been before.

Everything’s going smoothly.

You’re following the blue line.

You’ve got a banging playlist on.

Loaded up on car snacks.

Life is good.

But then…

You get redirected.

No biggy.

You shrug it off and follow the new route.

But wait, another redirect?

Okay, fine. You're still optimistic.

Maybe there's traffic or roadworks.

But then you find yourself redirected AGAIN and in unfamiliar territory.

The streets don't make sense. Your snacks are running low. Your playlist has cycled through twice. And then...

You see it. Your house. Right there. Where you started hours ago.

You've wasted all this time, effort, and primo car snacks, only to end up exactly where you began?

And in that moment, you think: "Fuck it, I'll just go home."

This, my wandering little waffle, is EXACTLY what it's like trying to lose weight using social media for advice.

(And yes, I see the irony of me saying this with my 700k followers. Stick with me, though.)

  1. Social media is like that broken sat nav. It keeps "redirecting" you with conflicting advice about what you can and can't do.

  2. One day it's "carbs are the devil," the next it's "eat nothing but bananas and unicorn tears." 🍌🦄

  3. You end up more lost than when you started, probably somewhere near your fridge, wondering what the heck you're supposed to eat.

This is why at Team Henley, we don't just give you a map and say "good luck fuck face!"

We educate all our clients.

Because education = empowerment.

When you understand the 'why' behind what you're doing, you become your own sat nav.

And let me tell you, it's a hell of a lot more reliable than Karen from Facebook telling you to drink celery juice at midnight while standing on one foot. 🥬🦶

So, if you're tired of driving in circles on your fitness journey, it's time to get the right guidance.

Unlike your broken sat nav, our advice won't lead you back to square one.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰