🟣 How to make voodoo gains


When it comes to manifesting I’m somewhere between a fire dancing witch doctor with crystal nipple tassels…

And the uptight square who scoffs at anything that can’t be explained with “logic”. 

So I know it has some effect.

But it’s not like you can’t put the work in and “manifest” anything you want from life.


The one thing no one seems to talk about is how manifesting works both ways.

Sure, you can manifest your way to success.

But you can also manifest your way to failure.

And that is bloody tragic.

Because what you believe about yourself has a voodoo-like ability to become true. 

And what you believe about yourself is defined by your experiences. 

So if you’ve fucked up every diet you’ve ever tried…

Never made it past week 3 of a gym program…

And barely got within a million miles of the end result you’re chasing?

You’re going to head into every diet believing you’ll fail.

Which just will not do my precious little pickled onion.

So here’s what you’re going to do instead…

We’re going to focus on a little something I call…

Process Manifestation

This is where you manifest HOW you’re going to act rather than WHAT you’re going to achieve. 

And here’s the two things you’re going to manifest about how you’re going to act…

🔮 You’ll figure shit out

đź”® You will not quit if you have a wobble

The best way to do this is to look to other areas of your life where you’ve had success.

Whether it’s your job, studies, family, etc.

There will be countless examples of both. 

So look to these experiences as proof you’ve got this in you.

Squeeze every last bit of belief you can from them.

And launch into your next fat loss diet with more self belief than ever before!

Speaking of which…

We’re opening the doors to BYB next week.

So get your name down and look out for the doors opening!

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰