🟣 Meet Sharon

how does she put her pants on?

Meet Sharon

Certified badass and all round wonderful human.

In November 2021 Sharon had reached the point of maximum “fucking hell this SUCKS and I need to do something about it NOW”. 

She felt she had been dieting for over 20 years.

And in that time she’d gained weight and got less fit? 

So that was a proper mind fuck for her. 

Which led her to do something pretty scary…

Reach out to a girl on the internet she had never met before who swears a little too much 😂

But she trusted me.

Even when I told her we were going to do the ONE THING women of her generation were told to NEVER do…

Lift weights.

We kicked off our time together by ploughing through all the nutribollocks she’d been fed over the years.

This is a standard practice for us with all our clients now.

Undoing years of BS and lies from the dieting industry makes our clients feel like Forrest Gump when he breaks free from his leg braces. 

“Syns”, meal replacement shakes and sugar detoxes were all slam dunked into the sea. 

And we replaced all this fuckery with things like…

😎 An understanding of calories and protein. 

😎 Adding more protein, veggies and meal structure. 

😎 Discovering what moderation actually looked like. 

😎 Learning to trust ourselves so that 1 chocolate bar didn't always turn into 17 🍫

We built a training program suited to her starting fitness level.

Regular walks. 

2-3 strength training sessions/week.

And 17 months later…

Sharon is walking 3-5km a day with zero pain.

Feeling more athletic than she has in 10+ years.

Putting her pants on standing on one leg 💃

Lifting the heavy shit as promised ✌️

That’s not to mention she’s gone from an 4XL to an L, dropping 86lbs 😅

She’s managed to achieve this while overcoming a technical "shit-tonne" of obstacles.

Achieved by challenging the belief that she needed to be perfect to be successful with her fitness

And instead of being perfect or nothing - she has continued to show up to do SOMETHING, imperfectly.

(Cheeky reminder to YOU to stop waiting to be perfect to start & to step away from the fuck it button when life throws a stinker at you 😘)

It’s taken a lot of work, heart and grit for Sharon to be where she is today. And I’m so fucking proud of her.

You can start your own journey with us any time you like.

And we’ll reach out with the sexy next steps.

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Rachel 🥰