Ever feel like you’re doing everything right but making zero progress?

That’s how Jen felt.

And then some fuck-wit of a guy appeared on her feed telling her that lifting weights will cause the one thing she feared more than anything…

Weight gain.

See for yourself… 

And you know what?

He’s right.

Lifting weights will cause inflammation and weight gain…

For about 48 hours.

This is your body's initial response to exercise.

It’s followed by shaping and sculpting your figure.

Getting helluva strong.

And ultimately looking and feeling like an absolute smoke show. 

But the card carrying Mensa member didn’t point any of this out, did he?


He stopped at inflammation and weight gain.


Like women don’t have it hard enough when lifting weights with literal DECADES of bullshit advice to overcome?

The last thing we need is some dope telling us lifting weights will cause weight gain.

Now, I’m lucky enough to be immune to this level of fuckery. 

But you might not be.

So I hope this has helped you see through the BS you hear about lifting weights.

Thousands of women have worked with me over the years through our group program and 1:1 online coaching.

So I’m telling you this from an informed and experienced position…

Lifting weights transforms more than your body.

It transforms your self confidence.

Your self belief.

Your sass levels (off the scale).

Your arse into something resembling two hard boiled ostrich eggs in a silk hanky (I know this is part of your body but it deserves its own line).

You get the point.

I’m going to talk about this more in Sunday’s newsletter.

Because despite me driving this point home multiple times today…

I know the resistance to lifting weights runs deep even to this day.

For all the positive influences you see online there are still fuckwits who will convince you lifting weights is a bad idea.

So on Sunday I’m going to reveal the cold hearted bitch of a reason why you should lift weights.

Speak then.

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰