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With Summer in sight and me being a coach you’d think I’d be about to launch into some waffle about “bikini bodies”.

But here I am in a sort of quasi-therapy session about to reveal the shit show that was my high school days.

It’s all for a good reason (which I’ll get to shortly).

But first, take a stroll with me back to my teenage years in grammar school.

My days consisted of anxiety, panic attacks and being an all round nervous little egg.

But at least I wasn’t dyslexic as fuck, right?

No, hold on…

I was dyslexic as fuck.

But not just your run of the mill dyslexic who struggles with spelling and mixes up words.

No, I had some weird eye condition lumped in as well 👍🏻

So I needed EVERYTHING enlarged just to see it. 

Which is great for not drawing attention to yourself.

And when I say everything.. I mean EVERYTHING. 

Textbooks, exam papers, even atlases which were practically bloody life size. 

I was the girl at the back of the exam hall with TWO tables to fit my fucking exam papers on. 

But do you know something?

School was alright. 

I had a good group of pals who I’m still pals with today.

I made the best of it and still managed to get decent grades.

But I didn’t thrive.

And it wasn’t the best place for me.

Which taught me a powerful life lesson summed up by this quote…

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great”.

I’m not massive on “motivational quotes”.

But that one always hits home.

We’re hard wired to live in our comfort zones. 

And change is always going to be scary. 

That’s why your brain turns into a silver tongued devil when you start thinking about trying something new.

That little voice will convince you that things are good just the way they are. 

And they might be. 

But trust me, there’s more out there waiting for you if you just summon up the figurative cajones to take the first step.

We see this all the time with clients who lift weights for the first time.

They’re scared at first and still battling with the bullshit they’ve been spoonfed by the media and influencers over the years.

But after that first session?


Talk about women on a mission. 

Hopefully this is something to think about as we head into a new week.

You’ll be hearing from me more often on here.

So we’ll speak again soon.

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰