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Motivation is a funny bugger.

And like everything else in the online world of fitness fuckery…

You only ever get the extreme, polar opposite options.

It’s either an unhinged lunatic screaming at you about being a fucking lion or a shark or some other apex predator.

Or some smug toadstool saying you don’t need motivation, you need discipline.

And then there’s me stepping in like the ham in a sandwich to “meat” in the middle (get it?... god I hate myself sometimes). 

So without any more awful puns I present to you, my saucy little sweet pea, the one and only…

🥪 Meat In The Middle Motivation Manifesto 🥪

Let’s start with the tough love section…

You can’t wait for motivation to appear out of thin air.

The biggest mistake people make is thinking they need motivation to start working on their health and fitness.

When what they actually need is the ability to start without being motivated.

Because when you do this you’ll find motivation comes along pretty damn fast.

Allow me to show you using your internal dialogue…

“I can’t be bothered going to the gym…

Fuck it, I’ll just go.

This is going to be shit.

I hate everything about this.

Ohhhh that set felt good.

Abba on shuffle? Yes please.


So glad I did that, can’t wait to go again!”

Here’s how I’d sum this up…

Imperfect action is the best way to feel motivated.

And you can apply this to any area of your life.

Waiting for the stars to align and a message to appear in your Alphabetti Spaghetti will keep you stuck where you are or worse.

So remember this…

On the other side of the thing you don’t want to do are the feelings you want to feel.

So don’t think about anything other than doing that one thing.

Whether it’s a walk, meal prep, a gym session…

Just do it and I promise you’ll feel motivated.

And if you know someone is struggling with motivation right now…

Pay it forward by sending them this email.

I’ve got a deep in the feels email coming for you on Sunday.

I’m going to break down the biggest mistake women make when trying to lose weight.

And it has NOTHING to do with calories or cardio. 

Speak soon. 

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰