🟣 No Motivation? Try This

it only takes 5 minutes 👀⏰

Hidy ho you delightful little donut! 

You know those days when all you want to do is transform into a sofa sausage…

Put on your comfort series you’ve watched 1,000 times before…

And get some little snacky snacks on the go…


Well, you probably don’t know this BUT…

Those are the days you’ll have your best gym sessions. 

You’ll go into the gym with the energy and attitude of a microwaved slug.

And become with the power strut of a baaaaaaaaad bitch who’s ready to take on the fucking world.

Which brings us to the question you need to answer…

How in the name of Henry Cavill’s jawline do you drag your unmotivated behind to the gym?

Should you…

Double fist two red bulls and dunk your head in ice water?

Slap yourself across the face and chant motivational affirmations?


Use my simple but powerful 5 minute motivational mojo rule that has helped all the 300+ clients at Henley Fitness shift their tooshies to the gym when they really didn’t feel like it?

I think you know the answer.

Here’s how it works…

The 5-Minute Motivational Mojo Rule.

Next time you're dreading your workout, tell yourself you're just going to do the first 5 minutes. 

That’s it. 

Just aim to start, and give yourself full permission to sack it off if you're still feeling like a sock filled with baked beans after those 5 minutes.

Why does this work?

Because starting is always the hardest part. 

Once you get moving, even for a few minutes, you’ll want to keep going. 

Your body and mind shift gears, and before you know it, you’re halfway through your workout.

And I’ll bet my least stinkiest protein shaker that the workouts you do off the back of my 5-Minute Motivational Mojo Rule are some of your best.

Because when you do something you don’t feel like doing you give yourself undeniable proof of what you’re capable of.

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰