🟣 The perfection trap

looks + this 👇🏻 = 🤯😍😎

If you think you need to be “perfect” to achieve your weight loss goals…

You are not alone my cracking little croissant 🇫🇷🥐.

And I totally get why you believe this. 

Because you reeeaaaaaally want to lose weight. 

You think about it every fucking day.

You daydream about how you’ll look and feel when you finally hit your “goal weight” (awful concept I’ll cover in another email). 

You head into every situation involving food with losing weight on your mind.

And this cluster fuck of chaos and confusion leads you to believe perfection is the only way you’re getting close to your weight loss goals.

Which you’ll be glad to hear is total bullshit. 

Here’s why 👇🏻

You don’t need to be perfect. 

You just need to be consistently good.

Aiming for perfection is literally choosing to fail.

You might nail a few days in a row.

But then Susan from HR brings in homemade brownies and dishes them out around the office (bitch). 

And you can’t resist the delicious chocolatey gooeyness in front of you.

Plus you have a cup of tea… 

Tea and a brownie before 10am will numb the pain of having another 7 hours in this hell scape. 

So you shove the brownie into your face while muttering “why Susan? Why did you do this to me?”.

And just like that, your perfection streak goes up a smokey shit show of crushing disappointment.

So you sack off all your weight loss efforts.

And wait until you have some sort of emotionally triggering moment that launches you into another “perfection” focused diet.

I think it’s time we put a stop to all this fuckery, don’t you?

Because it’s just not working.

Meanwhile we’ve got clients being consistently good who are CRUSHING it.

Look, I know the whole “be consistent” angle is about as sexy as Piers Morgan in a French Maid outfit. 

But let’s look at how this applies to a week in the life of you trying to lose weight:

✅ You average 8,500 steps per day which means you get plenty of headspace, listen to some podcasts and get outside way more than usual.

✅ You stick to your calories and protein while enjoying a sweet treat after dinner most nights and a meal out with friends at the weekend.

✅You hit the gym 3 times even though one session was a real struggle to get motivated. 

✅ You’ve seen changes in the mirror, with how your clothes fit and how you feel about yourself. 

Sound good?

Now imagine 8 of these weeks put together.

You reckon that would get you the results you’re after without your life becoming a misery? 

This is the power of being consistently good. 

Something to think about… 

Big love,

Rachel 🥰

P.S. If you need guidance on how to start, or want to take your gym game to the next level, we’re here to help.