🟣 The Power Of The Pause


The weekend.

48 hours or so of freedom.

The world is your oyster.

You can do anything.

Maybe you’ll go to an Ostrich farm to finally answer the question that’s been eating you alive…

“Could I ride an Ostrich like a brave knight riding into battle?”.

Maybe you’ll go down the local park and hide people’s shoes when they fall asleep in the sunshine. 

You little rapscallion you. 

Or maybe… juuuuuust maybe…               

You’ll smash an ungodly amount of calories because “it’s the weekend” and then feel like a total dick when the Sunday scaries kick in?

If that sounds more like you then allow me to introduce you to…                      

The power of the pause 

Here’s what I want you to do this weekend if you’re feeling shhnaaacky and about to go to town on some poor unsuspecting confectionary.


Take 20-30 minutes.

And see if you still feel the same way you did when you were stalking the snack cupboard. 

Because I bet you feel like you’ve had a will power boost.

And it’s much easier to say no.

Here’s the thing about this small but powerful act…

It shows how your emotions in the moment affect your behaviour.

You think you’re starving and you’ve got all sorts of justifications running through your head.

But just taking a moment to remove yourself from the emotional whirlwind you don’t even realise you’re in produces a much better result.

So I hope this helps.

But remember, you have to actually do it (and that’s on you I’m afraid). 

Now listen up you glorious little gooch…

If you want to elbow your way past everyone like a Swiftie trying to get to the front row of a LIVE gig and grab your fine ass a spot on our upcoming BYB program…

The current BYB crew got first dibs on grabbing spots.

And we’ve had one of the highest ever retention rates from one program to the next.

Wild times.

And incredible to see people continuing to smash it with us.


This means spaces are even more limited than ever before.

So get your name down here and give yourself the best shot at grabbing a spot when we open the doors next Tuesday.

Have a bloody tremendous weekend.

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰