🟣 PSA: Scale weight spikes

32 Roast Chickens 📉📈

Well hello there you perky little profiterole 💖

As we head into a new week we need to talk about that nemesis we all love to hate: the scale.

This is a reminder I'll be rolling out every few weeks because I know how hard this mental hurdle is to vault over.

So, lean in and listen close as we dive into the wild and wacky world of weight fluctuations!

Your scale weight bounces around more than a kangaroo on a trampoline.

And the first thing you need to know is it's measuring way more than just your body fat.

It’s measuring your entire body mass.

Bones, muscle, water, organs, etc.

Sounds basic but it’s important to remember that.

Now, let’s talk about weight fluctuations.

These are the moments you feel like turning your scales into a frisbee and launching them across the bathroom like Thor launching his hammer.

But the reality is your weight could go up because you are:

1. Stressed (like when you realise you're out of wine on a Friday night)

2. Holding more water (hello, human camel)

3. Haven't dropped the kids off at the pool (if you know what I mean 💩)

4. On your menstrual cycle (ah, the joys of womanhood)

All of these things are hard to control.

Sure, you can work on making your life less stressful.

But it’s never going to be stress free. 

So let’s look at the things you CAN control:

1. Your nutrition 

2. Your training 

3. Your step count

"But Rachel, if the scale is such a fibber, how do I know if I'm making progress?"

Feast your eyes on this absolute legend:

That’s Team Henley client JC.

She’s a proper inspiration.

Also LOL at Henry in the background of the after pic.

JC has lost 30kg.

That’s 66lbs.

4.7 stone.

Or 32 Whole Roast Chickens from Tesco.

But here’s what I want you to focus on.

Check out her weight fluctuations throughout her journey…

Look at all those spikes!

Now, think of how many times you’ve given up on your diet because you saw one of those spikes on the scales.

I hope this puts into perspective what you’re missing out on if you just stay the course. 

Think of these fluctuations like baggage claim and passport control queues when you go on holiday.

They suck.

They're gonna happen.

You have no control over them.

But they're gonna be so worth it when you're sipping cocktails by the pool (or in this case, feeling like a snack in your favourite jeans).

So, here's your mission, should you choose to accept it:

1. Step away from the scale (unless you're weighing ingredients for my protein brownie recipe, then by all means, weigh away)

2. Focus on how you FEEL and how your clothes fit

3. Trust the process (and by process, I mean the kick-ass program we've got for you)

Remember, my scrumptious little soufflé, you're so much more than a number on a scale.

You're strong, you're capable, and you're part of Team Henley – the most supportive, hilarious, and determined fitness family there is.

And one final point…

If your scale could talk, it'd probably say, "I'm just as confused as you are, honey." 

Big love,

Rachel 🥰