🟣 Do you really hate this?

like a 3 year old & broccoli

Hey there, my saucy little Salted Caramel Galaxy.

You know what we hear A LOT at Team Henley Fitness? 

“I hate [insert fitness related thingy]”.

"I hate tracking food!"

"I hate eating that much protein!"

"I hate doing push-ups!"

"I hate squats!"

If you can relate to any of these then let me ask you something…

Do you really HATE these things, or are you just throwing a toddler-level tantrum because you're not good at them?

Remember when you were 3 and HATED broccoli?

Well, you're not 3 anymore.

(Unless you are, in which case, kudos on your reading skills and please stop using your mum's phone)

Look, It's perfectly fine to be crap at something.

In fact, being crap at something is the first step to being kind of good at something.

So, let's reframe this shit:

"I'm not great at tracking food yet."

"I'm still learning to hit my protein goals."

"Push-ups are a challenge for me right now."

"Squats are testing my patience and my glutes."

See the difference?

It's not about hating. 

It's about learning.

And guess what? The only one judging you is that bitchy voice in your head.

(Tell her to pipe down, she's not invited to this glow-up party)

So every time you catch yourself saying "I hate" about a fitness task, stop.

Replace it with "I'm learning to" or "I'm getting better at".

Give yourself a big fucking high five for being brave enough to try.

Remember, sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta good at something.

And sorta good? That's way better than not trying at all.

So go forth, you sexy senorita…

Embrace the suck. 

Cherish the struggle.

Love the shit stuff.

Because one day, you'll look back and realise you don't suck anymore.

And that day? It'll feel better than finding an extra chicken nugget in your 6-piece box.

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Rachel 🥰

P.S. Want help turning those "I hate" moments into "I've got this" victories? Join Team Henley Fitness for personalized online coaching. We'll love you even when you're shit at stuff (which won't be for long). Click here to apply!