🟣 Rude customer drama

“I’m not paying for that”

Hey there, my spicy little sriracha packet!

So, picture this…

One of my amazing coaches is on a call, ready to have a friendly chat with a woman who booked the call herself.

The call starts with this…

“Hey there [rude customers name], so you’re interested in finding out more about coaching?”.

And then, the response: 

"Yeah but I'm not paying what you lot are charging, it's ridiculous!...

You can get all this on YouTube FOR FREE".

Oh honey, no.

Just... no.

This was passed to the Henley Fitness HR Department (which is me egged on by my Mum who’s three gins deep).

And you’re about to read our response.

So buckle up!

First off, let's get one thing crystal clear:

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, talks to my coaches like that. 

My team are INCREDIBLE and I chose them all carefully because they live and breathe our values.

So I won't stand for any disrespect. 

I get reaching out for help can be scary.

It's like walking into a sex shop for the first time - you're nervous, a little sweaty, and not sure where to look.

But being rude? That's a one-way ticket to Nopeville, population: you.

Let's talk facts:

1. Team Henley charges LESS than the industry average. 

2. We OVERDELIVER on service and results (hundreds of client testimonials prove this)

3. There's no Wolf of Wall Street sales call bullshit here. We chat, you decide. Simple as that.

And now let’s move onto this beauty...

"You can get all this on YouTube"

Oh sweetie, if that were true, I'd still be designing bathrooms instead of running a kick-ass coaching business.

This line always reminds me of this quote:

“If more information was the answer, we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs”

Sure, YouTube's got workouts, recipes, and more "fat loss tips" than you can shake a celery stick at.

But you know what YouTube doesn't have?

- Someone to call you out on your bullshit excuses

- A cheerleader in your corner when you want to quit

- A team that knows your struggles, your victories, and that weird thing your left knee does

- Personalised plans tailored to YOUR body, YOUR goals, and YOUR love of tacos

YouTube is like a buffet.

Coaching is like having a personal chef.

So, if you're ready for more than just another "10-minute ab blaster" video, and you promise not to yell at my coaches (seriously, don't), then click here to apply for coaching.

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Rachel 🥰