🟣 Rude customer drama

“I’m not paying for that”

Hey there, my audacious little avocado 🥑😎

It's 2017, and Kristen Faulkner is crunching numbers on Wall Street.

Spreadsheets are her constant companion, and her dreams?

Well, they're buried somewhere under a mountain of financial reports and PowerPoint presentations.

But here's where it gets interesting.

One day, Kristen looks at her life and thinks…

"Fuck this noise. I'm gonna ride bikes. Later bitches!”

Now, when most of us have that thought, we maybe sign up for a spin class or buy a cute little beach cruiser.

Not Kristen. Oh no.

Kristen decides she's going to become a pro cyclist. At 29. With zero professional cycling experience.

Fast forward a few years, and Kristen's actually doing it.

She's competing.

She's winning races.

And she's thinking, "Hey, maybe I could make the Olympic team."

But life, being the cheeky bastard it is, had other plans.

Kristen doesn't make the cut.

Her Olympic dreams are crushed.

Or are they?

Because just when Kristen thought her Olympic dreams were over, fate decided to play one last card.

Team USA needed a last-minute replacement.

So she got the call and hopped on a flight to Paris.

And if the story ended here it would be inspirational enough.

She made it to the God Damn Olympics!

But Kristen didn't just make it to the Olympics.

And she didn't just make up the numbers in her event.

Kristen went and did something that hasn't been done by an American in FORTY FREAKIN' YEARS.

She won the gold medal in the women's road race.

That's right.

Kristen Faulkner, former Wall Street number cruncher, just cycled her way into the history books.

Now, I can hear you thinking: "That's great Rachel, but I'm not exactly Olympic material."

Well, that makes two of us!

My knee almost fell off kicking a ball about with an 8 year old this weekend.

But that’s not the point of this story.

The point is this:

It's never too late to work on your goals.

Whether it’s the time of year, life circumstances, age, etc…

You can ALWAYS work on yourself.

And if you want some help with that so you see progress week after week in all the areas that matter (from your brain to your body)...

Our Blitz Your Bitz program is opening up soon.

Go here and enter your email address to join the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.

We sold out in 8 minutes last time lol.

Big Love,

Rachel 🥰