🟣 The Secret to Sticking with It

ft Salted Caramel Galaxy (share size)

Well hello there my luscious little lemon drizzle cake.

Let’s talk about something you’re already great at…

Being consistent.

You’re a pro at watching your fav Netflix series every night. 

And those little snacky mcsnackersons you munch on while watching? 

Consistently putting them away. 

How about those Friday night bottles of wine? 

Consistently getting sunk.

Zero judgement here by the way.

These things are fun. 

They make you happy. 

And that’s why you stick with them.


They’re not exactly helping with your fat loss goals, are they? 

So let’s see how we can use your consistency with these things to line up with your fat loss goals. 

But let’s get the elephant out the room…

Consistency in fitness isn’t as fun as snacks, wine and netflix marathons.  

Getting steps in and making smarter food choices isn't as enjoyable as deep throating a share-size salted caramel galaxy bar.

But here’s the thing...

The secret sauce of consistency is made up of enough of what you enjoy AND enough of what's required to make progress.

So let’s take a closer look at how you can put this into action…

🟣 Always have an element of enjoyment

Maybe you’re not mad about going another walk to hit your step count…

But that new podcast episode you want to listen to makes it more enjoyable. 

Anything that gets you moving and brings a smile to your face counts.

🟣 Mix it up

We humans love a bit of novelty.

And while the majority of your approach should follow some sort of structure…

Leave some room for some novelty. 

So find new routes for your walks. 

Give a new activity a go like dancing, playing a sport or training with a friend. 

🟣 Reward Yourself

And this is where we pump the brakes for an important announcement…

Rewarding yourself with something that undoes all your progress isn’t a smart move chickpea. 

So smashing a Dominos Two For Tuesday with sides isn’t the reward you want to give yourself here. 

Think more along the lines of…

A luxurious, spa level bath with a good book.

Or a delicious (but controlled) treat. 

I hope this has been a refreshing take on consistency.

Remember – a little bit of what you love, a little bit of what you need.

You’ve got this, my sweet pumpkin pie!

Big love,

Rachel 🥰