🟣 She-Shed Shenanigans

I’m not crying (I am)

Hey there, my radiant little radish! 🌟

I operate Team Henley Fitness from what’s known as the “She-Shed”.

It’s a shed at the bottom of the garden of my family home.

My Mum decorated it all nice and cozy.

And I curl up inside with an Oodie, a variety of beverages and a laser focus on getting our clients life changing results.

This was my exact state and location when I read this from one of our BYB Clients…

"I was reflecting on how impactful you and this program have been for me."

This is what gets me out of bed in the morning (well, this and the promise of coffee).

Making a real, lasting impact on someone's life? That's the good stuff.

"I've talked a lot here about my mindset shifts and how much it's helped me to learn the science and to unlearn a lot of bad inner voice things."

Hold up. Let's break this down:

1. Mindset shifts: This isn't just about lifting weights, folks. It's about lifting your whole damn perspective on life.

2. Learning the science: Because knowledge is power, and power is sexy AF.

3. Unlearning bad inner voice things: You know that little gremlin in your head that tells you you're not good enough? Yeah, we teach you how to dropkick that sucker into next week.

"But I want to make sure you know how grateful I am for you specifically - you've helped talk me off of ledges, I've felt understood, you've been patient and encouraging, and I have looked forward to checking in with you."

Okay, let's pause for a group "aww" moment.


Done? Great. Now, let's dissect this love letter:

Talking people off ledges: Sometimes, you need someone to remind you that you're a badass, even when you're face-down in a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

Patience and encouragement: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are killer glutes. We're in this for the long haul, baby.

Looking forward to check-ins: Accountability that doesn't make you want to hide under your bed? That's the Team Henley magic.

"I'm going to miss it and you. So thank you for all that you have done for me."

And this, my friend, is why I do what I do.

It's not about before-and-after photos (although those are pretty sweet).

It's about creating a community where you feel supported, understood, and empowered to be the best version of yourself.

A place where you can:

- Say "fuck you" to diet culture

- Learn to love your body, rolls and all

- Get strong AF (both mentally and physically)

- And maybe, just maybe, start to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you

Sound like something you want in on?

Our next Blitz Your Bitz program open spaces next Tuesday: August 20th

Click here to join the waitlist and set your clocks for 6pm, when the email will be going out for you to secure your space.

Those with fingers fast enough to beat the 8 minute sell out we saw in the last intake, will starting their 8 week BYB journey on September 2nd. And I hope to see you there.

Remember: You're capable of more than you know. And I'm here to help you prove it to yourself.

Big love and even bigger belief in you,

Rachel 🥰

P.S. If you're sitting there thinking, "This sounds great, but I'm not sure I'm ready," that's exactly why you need this. Your future self is cheering you on. Don't let her down!