Social Media Survival Guide


Right then you cheeky little chicken and leek pie.

Sunday is also known as doom-scroll day.

The sofa sausage vibes.

The looming doom of Monday.

The shittier weather.

It all combines to create the perfect environment for HOURS of scrolling through Instagram and TikTok.

Which means the chances of you coming across whacky, BS and downright dangerous fitness content are through the roof today!

So I thought I’d swing by with a little sumthin’ sumthin’ I cobbled together this weekend.

Welcome to your Social Media Survival Guide: Fitness Edition!

Here are the tell-tale signs that you've stumbled into the danger zone of dodgy fitness content:

1. The Spot Reducer 🎯

If someone points to a body part and then does an exercise, implying it burns fat from that specific area… 


These people are THE WORST (I’m probably going to say that a lot in this guide).

You can’t spot reduce body fat.

And you can’t burn more body fat with specific exercises.

No matter how convincing these videos look, keep scrolling.

They are setting you up to fail.

2. The Food Police 👮‍♀️

If some dopey fucker is wandering around a supermarket, dramatically gasping and shouting at packets of food, claiming they're "poisonous" or "toxic"...


Unless they're pointing at actual poison (in which case, why is it in a supermarket?), food isn't toxic.

But your relationship with it will be if you listen to these helmets.

Also, they always go after cereal.

What has cereal done to them?

Did Frosties lead to their parents divorce?

Was SpecialK the reason that girl broke their heart?

Were Coco Pops the real reason no one showed up to their 7th birthday party? 

3. The Potion Master 🧪

If you see a POV style video making a weird fucking concoction with water, sliced fruit, and fucking cloves…


This lot really does my head in.

They have a potion for EVERYTHING from fat loss to curing the common cold.

They always bang on about inflammation (even though they can’t define what it means).

When all they’re actually doing is making drinks that taste like shit.

Look, if you’ve followed any of this advice before DO NOT feel silly for doing so.

These muppets are VERY convincing.

And I’m in a privileged position of being a coach with years of experience.

I’d probably fall for similar style content in areas I don’t know much about.

So I hope this guide helps you spot BS fitness content and stay well clear of the harm it can do. 

Big love,

Rachel 🥰