🟣 Stack ‘em like pancakes 🥞

So you know that thing where you mess up your diet…

Then you feel guilty…

Then you feel ashamed…

Then you decide what’s the fucking point and sack eeeeeeeeverything off that you’ve been doing to lose weight?

I’ve got a name for that.

I call it…

🤬🌪️ The self talk cluster fuck-nado 🤬🌪️

And I bet you’ve found yourself in the eye of this fuck-nado.

Getting twirled around like wet clay on a potter's wheel (is that what you call them? Who knows, the analogy still stands).

Before getting spat out the other side where you eat 7 days worth of calories in one sitting.

And if you want to make sure you never end up in this cluster fuck-nado again, here’s what you need to do 👇🏻

🥞 Stack your weekly wins like they’re pancakes and you’re in the final of the world pancake stacking championships. 🥞

And the reason you need to stack these wins is because they ain’t the sexiest when you look at them on their own.

Oh you hit your step target every day? 

Well fuck a doodle doo!

But when you stack up…

🥞 Hitting your step target

🥞 Nailing your calories

🥞 The good decisions you made when bad ones were easier

🥞 How you feel about yourself

🥞 The difference between what your days/weeks look like now to what they used to 🥞 look like

You’ve got a sexy as fuck pancake stack of wins right there!

And look, despite what some people will tell you…

I’m not an idiot.

I know it’s still going to sting when you don’t see the end results you want.

Especially when you’re putting in the effort every week.

But stacking wins can keep you satisfied enough to keep going.

And that’s what gets you the results you want.

The fact you keep going.

Because the results you want are made up of these “small” weekly wins.

So stack ‘em high so you notice them.

Stay on track.

And get the results you want!

This is what we do in Blitz Your Bitz.

I’m sending an email out to the priority list next week with details about the next launch.

So if you want to know more and be in with a chance of grabbing your spot (but you’ll have to be fast)...

Have a bloody tremendous weekend!

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰