🟣 The tale of Tinder

she swiped LEFT

Well hello there you marvellous mango mousse.

Got a little story for ya today.

Came across this when I was sitting in traffic coming back from Download festival last week.

And it is an absolute banger to end all bangers.

So strap in because you’re about to hear the story of…

"Fired and Furious: How One Woman's Revenge on a Misogynistic Boss Created a Billion-Dollar Empire"

Lol, reckon I could write newspaper headlines? 

Tinder was launched by three chums in 2012.

Sean Rad, Justin Mateen, and Whitney Wolfe-Herd. 

Justin and Whitney got close.

And ended up in a good old fashioned work place relationship. 

But after a year, Whitney wasn’t feeling it so she broke it off. 

Which is when things took a turn for the worse…

She ended up working under Justin.

And he publicly disrespected her every chance he got. 

Sending obscene messages and even calling her names in front of other employees.

So she complained to the CEO, Sean Rad.

But he was Mateen’s best friend. 

And do you know what he did? 

He called her... wait for it... 

I bet you can guess…

It’s the old classic combo…

Dramatic and emotional. 

What a dick. 

But things got even worse for Whitney.

He removed her co-founder title, saying that giving a girl that title made the company look like a joke. 

And then he fired her. 

It ended up in court and got very messy.

But in the end Whitney was left at rock bottom.

Which is when she decided to do the exact opposite of giving up.

She took everything she thought was wrong with Tinder and used it to create something better. 

And in 2014, she launched Bumble.

Bumble focused on empowering women, with women initiating contact, verified profiles, and sections for platonic friendships and professional networking.

Bumble grew rapidly. 

And by 2023, our old pal Whitney was worth $1.54 billion. 

As for Justin and Sean…

They were thrown out on their arse from Tinder LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

This is what you can learn from Whitney’s story…

She turned her disappointment and rejection into a direction for her next move. 

She learned from the past and made her own path.

Just like you will with your fitness journey.

Maybe you've started a workout routine only to fall off after a few weeks. 

Maybe you've tried diets that didn't work or left you feeling worse. 

And this sucks. 

But remember what Whitney did and use those experiences to fuel your success.

Identify what went wrong in your previous attempts. Was it unrealistic goals? Lack of support? 

Use these lessons to shape a better plan.

And remember, if you need help we’re just a link click away from being on your team…

I hope this story has lit up your Friday.

And I hope you have a bloody brilliant weekend. 

Big Love,
Rachel 🥰