🟣 Unlock Your Bad Bitch Energy

looks + this 👇🏻 = 🤯😍😎

Salutations you slippery little salmon. 

Let’s talk about something you probably think about 27 times a day…

How you look.

I think of myself and my coaching style as relentlessly positive AND realistic.

In other words…

I believe a “bikini body” is a body in a bikini and not a random fucking standard set by some buffoon on social media.

But I also know wanting to look better is a motivating and powerful goal for a lot of folks. 

Because feeling good about how you look will boost your confidence.

But here’s the thing...

When you only focus on looks or the number on the scale…

Your life can become a never-ending cycle of karate kicks to the left tit. 

You step on the scale and see no change. 

You feel wank.

You look in the mirror and don’t see the progress you hoped for.

So you feel like all your efforts have been wasted. 

And that constant self-critiquing voice in your head? 

That’s more draining than listening to someone give a blow by blow breakdown of a weird dream they had.

Because you’re measuring your worth by a number. 

So let me suggest an alternative.

Instead of just focusing on how you look and what you weigh…

What if you also focused on how you can perform?

Because here’s something you should know…

Looks give you confidence.

Performance gives you BAD BITCH ENERGY.

So what do I mean by performance?

Am I suggesting you turn into a Crossfit chick?

Do I want you to run marathons and squat 200kg?

Absolutely not. 

Think about these performance-focused goals:

Your first press-up

Your first chin-up

Lifting a weight that used to terrify you

Doing more reps with the same weight

These might not seem like much as you’re reading this.

But once you get that feeling of doing something with your body you’ve never done before…

The rush is like when your suitcase is first off the baggage claim. 

Unreal stuff. 

Focusing on what your body can DO, not just how it looks, is a game-changer.

This is why I put out so much content to help you crush it in the gym. 

I want you to experience that empowering feeling of kicking ass and taking names.

And the best part? 

That confidence spills over into every aspect of your life.

So next time you're in the gym, focus on what you can achieve. 

Set goals for your strength, your stamina, your skills. 

And celebrate every victory, no matter how small.

Why not start right now by setting a performance goal for this week?

Think of something challenging but achievable you can do in the gym or in your home workouts. 

And get after it like you’re a Swiftie trying to reach the front row of a T-Swizzle gig. 

Big love,

Rachel 🥰

P.S. If you need guidance on how to start, or want to take your gym game to the next level, we’re here to help.