🟣 Wanna feel alive? Read this.

let’s get your heart pounding 🫀

Well hello there you raunchy little ravioli 🍝

Let's get real for a hot second.

When was the last time you felt truly, heart-poundingly alive?

I'll bet my left nipple it wasn't while you were scrolling through Instagram or binge-watching the latest Netflix series.

I'm talking about that electric feeling you get when:

  • Your heart's racing as you step into the gym for the first time

  • You're shaking as you load up the bar for a new PR attempt

  • You're zipping up those jeans you thought would never fit again

That's where the magic happens.

See, here's the thing about feeling alive: You actually have to BE alive. Wild concept, I know.

And being alive? That means pushing yourself.

It means doing shit that scares you.

It means stepping out of your comfort zone regularly.

Look, I get it.

It's cosy in that comfort zone.

It's safe.

There's snacks and Netflix and no one judges you for wearing the same leggings three days in a row.

But you know what else is in that comfort zone? Regret. Stagnation. And a whole lot of "what ifs".

Out there, beyond the fear?

That's where you find out what you're really made of.

That's where you get to see yourself conquering shit you never thought possible.

Because I promise you this: The moment you push past that fear, the moment you do the thing that scares you shitless?

That's when you'll feel more alive than ever.

And let me tell you, that feeling? It's addictive as fuck.

So, my question to you is this:

What are you going to do this week to feel alive?

If you're ready to start conquering, to start feeling that electric aliveness that comes from pushing your limits then you can apply for our 1:1 coaching here.

But remember to answer this question…

What are you going to do this week to feel alive?

Big love,

Rachel 🥰