🟣 The best goal setting system?

rub your head and pat your belly 👀

Hey there, my perky little pickle! 🥒

Edwin Locke’s a clever cookie.

Harvard grad, 320+ published articles, and a theory ranked #1 among 73 management theories.

But can he pat his head and rub his belly at the same time?

Because I can.

So who’s really the smart one here?

Ok, it’s Edwin.

And his approach to goal setting can turn your vague fitness dreams into concrete, ass-kicking reality.

You know those fitness goals floating around in your head like a lost fart in a fan factory?

"I want to get fit”

"I should eat better"

“I need to lose some weight”

These are a big reason why you struggle to make progress.

So here’s how to set goals that actually work according to our brainy pal Edwin but translated into my own special language 😘

1. Get Crystal Fucking Clear

Vague goals make progress as easy as nailing jelly to a wall.

So you need to get specific about what you’re trying to achieve.

The reason you don’t is because specific goals give you no place to hide.

So you stick with generic goals to give yourself an out.

Which I understand but at the same time…

You’re going to have to put on your boss girl pants.

2. Make it Spicy (But Not Ghost Pepper Spicy)

Your goals should be like a good curry - hot enough to make you sweat, but not so hot you're crying on the toilet.

Challenge yourself.

But don't set a goal to deadlift a bus if you've never picked up anything heavier than a remote control.

3. Commit Like You Mean It

Save the commitment issues for your dating life.

You MUST commit to your goals to stand any chance of making them a reality.

Write your goals down, tell your bestie, hell, tattoo them on your forehead (okay, maybe not that last one).

A little accountability goes a long way here (which is why coaching is so powerful).

4. Feedback is Your Friend (Unlike That "Friend" Who Always Borrows Money)

Track your progress like you're stalking your ex on social media.

Keep a workout log, take progress pics, track your steps and calories.

Just don't obsess over the scale.

5. Break It Down (And I Don't Mean Dance)

Got a big, hairy, audacious goal?

Fantastic! Break that bad boy down into bite-sized chunks.

Want to run a marathon? Start with a 5k.

Want to deadlift your bodyweight? Start with the bar.

Ambitious goals are GREAT for long term vision.

But they can make it tough to get started because they scare the living shit out of you.

So breaking them down is essential to building momentum.

So there you have it, my goal-crushing compadre.

Edwin Locke's wisdom, filtered through the Henley fun factory.

Remember, setting kickass goals isn't about torturing yourself or playing small.

It's about dreaming big and then breaking those dreams down into bite-sized, actionable chunks that don't make you want to hide under your duvet.

Your goals aren’t just words on paper - they're promises to yourself. Promises that say, "Hey, I'm worth this effort. I deserve to feel strong, capable, and sexy as hell."

Will it be easy? Hell no.

Will there be days when you want to tell your goals to piss off and eat ice cream for breakfast? Absolutely.

But that's all part of the journey.

You've got this fire inside you - a fire that's been waiting to burn bright. These goals?

So go on. Get clear. Get spicy. Get committed.

Your future badass self is out there, and she's tapping her foot, waiting for you to join her.

We’re always right here if you need help.

Big love,

Rachel 🥰